• The Six-Month Renewal Project

    Balancing Rest & Work as A Christian

    “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work . . .” Exodus 20:8-10a (NIV) Most Americans would assume that rest means sleep. We are nightly worrying about or doctoring symptoms of sleep deficits. However, rest can be used as an all-encompassing term for how a person treats their body, mind, and soul throughout their daily lives. Are we giving space for our minds to decompress, process, and heal from high-stress jobs and situations in our daily…

  • The Six-Month Renewal Project

    My God & Post-Cancer Anxieties

    God always shows up at the most unexpected of times. It’s always a warming reminder that He is ever present and influencing the events of my daily life. This past year has been emotionally and financially difficult. I spend a lot of my time, giving and releasing my worries about money and my health troubles to Him. It’s a daily battle as a recovering cancer patient because I am still working to be content with where I am now. Ideal Ashley would love to be able to get a full-time job, have full strength in my body, depend solely on…

  • The Six-Month Renewal Project

    Starting the New Year with Expectation

    Happy New Year Readers, I have a moderate attitude towards the New Year. I don’t put much stock into goals or life changes because I don’t generally follow through. Which sounds terrible to say, but it is the truth. My self-discipline doesn’t catch the enthusiasm I typically have for a fresh start when December waits for January to roll around. But I feel that this challenge for renewal that I am embarking on in my life is not me-centered, but God-centered. I’m not expecting anything amazing to happen outside of spiritual awakening through Christ. In fact, if all that came…

  • Scriptural Literacy Project

    Introducing The Scriptural Literacy Project

    “The Holy Scriptures are to be read constantly, memorized, treated as more important than gold and silver. We should esteem the Scriptures more than our daily food. God’s Words should be our delight and hope.” ― Greg Gordon, Scriptural literacy is no small thing. It is essential to the survival of the church. Like any other subject in education, it needs to be cultivated with consistency. American culture has intentionally created systems for education to ensure that all of the necessary subjects that a child needs to thrive in life are developed in phases throughout their school lifetime. While there are…

  • The Six-Month Renewal Project

    Introducing the Six-Month Renewal Project

    If there is one thing that we’ve learned, it’s that money cannot buy peace. It can’t even buy happiness. It can buy convenience, luxury, and instant gratification but it can’t afford the most precious of existential commodities. If only. I am learning that there are few things that can create and maintain peace and happiness. Those rarities are so hard to attain that people will go to any lengths to experience them- even for just a moment.             One of the most potent moments- one of which we have heightened above all others- is romantic relationships. It’s why we perceive…

  • Cancer Recovery Topics

    New Book Release: Tales of a Cancer Insomniac

    Available in paperback and e-book, $14.99 and $9.99. Cancer is hard enough, but with insomnia, it can be even more challenging. Ashley found herself struggling often with insomnia as she traversed her treatments and recovery. This book is an accessible guide for anyone that has found themselves going through similar circumstances. Each chapter has anecdotes from the author’s journey as well as tips she has learned along the way. Tales of a Cancer Insomniac explores:physical challenges & recommendationsmental health challengesspiritual challengesThe reader is challenged to care for the whole person during their healing journey. She takes a holistic approach to…

  • Cancer Recovery Topics

    Cancer and Trust

    “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6 I am in remission. I am grateful to be able to say this. I know that there are those that have not had the privilege. I do not write these words lightly. Once I was in remission from cancer this past year, I watched other loved ones fight it. I saw two precious loved ones suffer and ultimately die from it. I never imagined that I would be a person that would have this cancer narrative, but I am. One of the questions that I have…