About Author

Young Life

Ashley has been writing since she was a little girl. She wrote her first poem at her grandmother’s house when she was eight. She sat by her granny’s chair and read it to her. Her grandmother was so impressed with her poem that the very next Christmas, she was gifted a journal to continue her writing. By the time she was in her late teens, she was researching diverse ways to influence writing. This passion is what propelled her into a career in teaching ESL and ELA as an adult.

Adult Life

Ashley has a bachelor’s in theology and a master’s in English composition. Her passions include writing pieces that reflect on the dynamics of Christian spirituality and theology, self-improvement pieces that reflect on mental health, rest, meditation, and literature. She has been actively working to publish personal works as well as academic ones. This website also has a blog portion where readers can reference regular blog posts on topics pertaining to her interests mentioned above.


Her mission is to make education accessible to people with little expense. She doesn’t believe that biblical education should be costly to be of quality. She desires to be a resource to that end. This website is here to educate and inform individuals on mental, physical, and spiritual health. Our hope is to encourage others through the written word from a Christian perspective.