Scriptural Literacy Project

Introducing The Scriptural Literacy Project

“The Holy Scriptures are to be read constantly, memorized, treated as more important than gold and silver. We should esteem the Scriptures more than our daily food. God’s Words should be our delight and hope.”

― Greg Gordon,

Scriptural literacy is no small thing. It is essential to the survival of the church. Like any other subject in education, it needs to be cultivated with consistency. American culture has intentionally created systems for education to ensure that all of the necessary subjects that a child needs to thrive in life are developed in phases throughout their school lifetime.

While there are countless Sunday school curriculums and children’s devotionals, we do not have enough serious theological curriculum to develop a child’s mastery in Biblical subjects. I want to clarify that while these general resources are not a hindrance to Biblical learning, an influx of simplified theological material does not set up an entire generation for spiritual success. I want spiritual growth and success for the next generation, which is why I am putting my time and resources into creating materials that will aid in scriptural literacy for today’s generation.

Long before God was made incarnate through His Son Jesus Christ He chose to bring His Voice into the world through the written word. Unfortunately, with the advent of technology and it continuous availability to youth, there has been a decline in literacy in all subjects. Most educators in any subject would argue that the trend worsened with covid, and education as a whole has suffered. According to a report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, “only 37% of fourth-graders and 34% of eighth-graders in the United States are proficient in reading” (2023). to even further alarm today’s Christian is that “24% of all parents responding to the survey indicated that they never read the Bible with their children. 23% read once or twice a year; 22% read once or twice a month; with only 10% reading once or twice a week, and 19% reading most days” (2017).These are alarming statistics that show a gradual decline of scripture literacy in the home.

Whether it began with the parent, or the parents before them, it no longer matters. What matters is that we are intentional about countering this decline by providing fun and relatable resources that encourage children and youth to make scripture a part of their daily independent routine. Recently, I have begun to design 30 day art journals that focus on Biblical themes. The first three have already been designed and are being prepped for release after the beginning of the New Year. One will be released each month.

The first will be on the topic of Biblical Love. The second will center on dealing with our Mental Health from a Biblical perspective, and the third will be about Prayer. As the student moves through the month, the scriptures will touch on varying aspects on those topics and students will be encouraged to not only reflect on the passage but also interact with the passage by using their personal reflections to create an artistic piece directly in the book.

I designed these books to be altered. Some books are meant to be prim and proper in a library their entire life, while others are meant to be altered and changed by young hands. I encourage the reader to use any medium they desire on the pages and allow their creativity express whatever the Scriptures inspire them to create. Thats the beauty of Scripture. It is alive and breathing. Its tenderness reaches into any heart and molds it into Christ’s likeness when we are willing to listen and let it change us.

The art journals will be part of a 12 month project. For next year, I am already planning out a 12-month devotional for younger ages (between 5-10). In the future, I hope to create resources for biblical study in areas that most adults would need college to study independently (Survey of OT/NT etc.). I want these resources at the fingertips of children, at little cost.

I am excited to begin this journey and I hope educators and parents are excited as well. Stay tuned for updates on the release date for the first journal being released January 2024. Hopefully, with God’s Word, we can turn the tide on Literacy as a whole, one art journal at a time.


Admin. “Biblical Literacy Is a Rising Issue.” Grow Ministries, March 14, 2023.

“Principles for the Gathering of Believers under the Headship of Jesus Christ Quotes by Greg Gordon.” Goodreads. Accessed January 1, 2024.

Wolmark, Mark. “49 Reading Statistics & Facts You Should Know.” In-Home & Center-Based ABA – Golden Steps ABATM, March 1, 2023.,at%20all%20in%20their%20homes.

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